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UndocuCarolina Mental Health Retreat

What is this retreat about? This retreat is tailored toward college students impacted by undocumentation. Students affected by their status often have mental health struggles unlike those of their peers. Mental health is often stigmatized in immigrant communities. This is … Read more

¡Éxitos! Graduation Ceremony

2023 Éxitos Dear graduating students (undergraduate and graduate/professional, including December graduates), This year we have been focusing on how we live our lives. You all have shown us by being present in our community, giving us the biggest turnout at … Read more

Churros y Chisme

Carolina Latinx Center 131 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Churros y Chisme is a monthly dialogue series hosted the Carolina Latinx Center designed for students, faculty, staff, and community members to come together for a break and conversation. Topics are broad themes meant to spark discussion and build wisdom … Read more

Pulso Scholars

Carolina Latinx Center 131 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Pulso Scholars program is a comprehensive pipeline program specially designed to promote academic and professional success among Carolina students interested in medical school and other health professions. Scholars participate in a series of workshops aimed at providing academic, professional, and cultural … Read more

Churros y Chisme

Carolina Latinx Center 131 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Churros y Chisme is a monthly dialogue series hosted the Carolina Latinx Center designed for students, faculty, staff, and community members to come together for a break and conversation. Topics are broad themes meant to spark discussion and build wisdom … Read more

Pulso Scholars

Carolina Latinx Center 131 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Pulso Scholars program is a comprehensive pipeline program specially designed to promote academic and professional success among Carolina students interested in medical school and other health professions. Scholars participate in a series of workshops aimed at providing academic, professional, and … Read more